Some Thing To Refresh Your Life

Some Thing To Refresh Your Life

Little Things You Can Do Every Day To Refresh Your Life
Do you feel happy every day? Some people struggle to find true happiness as they have very high expectations, and they often focus on the negatives rather than the positives. However, there are things you can do every day to help you find happiness and refresh your life.

It is important to spend time focusing on making yourself feel happy and content. Many people spend too much time worrying about if they are achieving enough, or if they are successful enough. They frequently compare themselves to others and find themselves lacking. However, this attitude is unhealthy – and more importantly, it is a waste of your time.

It is more important to spend time making yourself happy and improving yourself so your life improves without you even realizing it. Check out some little things you can do every day to refresh your life and find happiness.

1. Do something you loved as a child, from playing on a swing to watching a funny cartoon.

2. Listen to your favorite album as a teenager and remember your youth.

3. Take a long stroll in the evening through a beautiful wood or forest.

4. Dance whenever you get the opportunity to do so. In the kitchen, down the streets, in the shower!

5. Explore the area you live in alone, wandering through the streets and shops.

6. Make yourself your favorite hot drink in your favorite cup, and settle down on the sofa to enjoy it.

7. Try a yoga class so you can feel relaxed every day.

8. Listen to your favorite song while burning a scented candle.

9. Write down three things every day that you are grateful for in your life, from family and friends to chocolate muffins.

10. Work on a project that is important to you.

11. Sing a song you love and know all the words to.

12. Sleep in late and make yourself a delicious, healthy breakfast you can eat in bed.

13. Try to grow a beautiful flower or plant. If you don’t have a garden, buy an inside plant for your home.

14. Make your favorite meal when you’re alone, and leisurely enjoy the process of cooking and eating something delicious.

15. Visit a free public place in your area, from local museums to your nearest library.

16. If you have a pet, give them a big, long hug every day.

17. Draw or paint something beautiful. If you don’t feel like you have the time to paint, simply doodle to relax.

18. Bake some delicious, healthy snacks at the beginning of the week so you have instant tasty food to grab all week.

19. Spend some time with your best friend or significant other.

20. Start reading a new book you have always intended to read.

21. Compliment your friends and co-workers whenever you get the opportunity to.

22. If it is a sunny day and you are at work, eat your lunch outside and enjoy the weather.

23. Bake your favorite dessert to share with your friends and family.

24. Pamper yourself by deep conditioning your hair, using a face mask or getting a massage.

25. Pick up a hobby that will teach you a new skill, such as sewing or learning to play an instrument.

26. Run a hot bubble bath and light a few scented candles.

27. Smile at a stranger in the street.

28. Watch the sunset or the sunrise to experience some of nature’s natural, calming beauty.

29. Watch a funny film to make you smile.

30. Contact someone who you don’t get to speak to often. If you don’t have much free time, just drop them a text – it is sure to put a smile on both of your faces.

What did you think of this list? Share it with your friends to see what they think!
Get some of new games coming out and the reviews

Colorfy - Coloring Book Free - A great Android app helping reduce stress

Colorfy is the free addicting coloring book for adults on Android. Start coloring books now! Kids and girls can also enjoy the pictures of mandala, florals, animals and patterns.

With Colorfy, you don't need wifi to start the coloring game!
Coloring books and mandalas are proved to help adults release the stress and feel better: test it now! Believe it or not, this app is quite helpful to help those with stress and anxiety feel much more comfortable. Now, let's see all of great features and bg highlights that this app gives out to the users.

Features of the app:
  1. Color beautiful florals, animals, patterns, mandalas, cats, gardens, famous paintings, and more
  2. Create your own color combinations in this awesome coloring game 
  3. Designed for adults but kids and little girls can also enjoy the coloring experience.
  4. Easy controls! Simply tap to paint and pinch to zoom on the coloring pages
  5. Experiment with beautiful palettes
  6. Design unique work with new filters and effects
  7. Share your creations with family and friends
  8. Post your art and get likes from your followers on Instagram or Pinterest
  9. Works offline! No wifi needed to relax on the best coloring book.
Big highlights of the app:
  • New images and pictures every week
Get inspired with pics posted by users all over the world! Just browse our own feed or explore the hashtag #colorfy on Instagram. Create your own pic collages that look like real paintings or colorful photos. Unleash your inner artist.
  • Coloring books anywhere
Colorfy is a free app and does not require any internet connection. Have fun with it in the garden, while kids play video games, or during that long coast-to-coast flight. Relax and be creative.
  • Connect with the world in a new, meaningful, and beautiful way
Share your creations in Instagram, Snapchat, Messenger, Facebook and more. The colors you choose say a lot about your true feelings.
  • Compatibility and support
The app developers are continuously working so that all Android phones and tablets run Colorfy the best way possible.
  • Age rating disclaimer
Colorfy is a free app for all ages. Just like the best games – kids, girls, and adults can enjoy it without any restrictions. Have your kids pass time with this app.

For more apps and games reviews as well as updates on fun games for kids online, games for girls, video games, sport games, ... please visit this review journal now.

3 apps that help you reduce stress and anxiety (for both Android and iOS devices)

Have you ever thought of using your smartphones or tablets as a great way to relieve your stress and anxiety? Well, believe it or not, they can help you a lot as they have one among following apps. More greatly, these apps can be used on both Android and iOS devices, so you need not to worry about their compatibility.

Relax Melodies

People who have difficulty going to sleep and staying asleep are plagued with stress and anxiety problems. It is helpful for them to make a point of relaxing just before bedtime, and this app can certainly help with that. Research has shown that music can help calm the nerves and help you fall asleep. 
Relax Melodies Screenshot

Relax Melodies makes use of 48 relaxing ambient and nature sounds, ranging from ocean waves to white noise and even an oscillating fan, to help you ease your worries at bedtime. You can make your own mix out of these melodies and set a timer for them to stop playing when you fall asleep.


You might have been told to close your eyes and breathe during a particularly anxiety-inducing episode. And while it doesn't seem obvious just exactly how you can relax doing that, focusing on your breathing can actually help you let go of what's unimportant and center on the very thing that is keeping you alive right this very moment. 

Breathe2Relax is based upon the notion that mindful breathing, or simply turning your attention to your breath and away from everything else. This free app provides you several exercises on diaphragmatic breathing, or breathing from your stomach, which has been proven by science to decrease the body's fight-or-flight stress response. When you feel like your world is turning topsy-turvy, open this app, close your eyes and breathe.


Meditation is another great stress relief technique, besides offering plenty of other benefits it provides for your well-being. However, it can be difficult to meditate, especially for beginners, whose continuously chattering minds can stop them from thinking they are getting anything from the meditation. Headspace can help you with that by offering guided meditations that teach you how meditate so that you can eventually do so on your own. 

The first 10 days will give you 10 minutes of meditation for free, and after that you can decide to pay the monthly subscription of $12.99 to receive 10 more days of 15 and 20 minute meditations as well as meditations for various purposes, such as increased creativity, less stress and conscious eating.

For more other great apps and new games coming out that make you feel better as well as great games review, you can check out this review journal


Dog can help human destress

Dog can help human destress

Let's see how interesting is it. I can't imagine that dogs can help us reduce stress easily.

Studies show that interactions with therapy animals can decrease stress in humans.
Learn more science facts

Playing with or petting an animal can increase levels of the stress-reducing hormone oxytocin and decrease production of the stress hormone cortisol. These hormonal changes can help a nervous child feel more relaxed about reading aloud. Reduced stress can also benefit physical health. In a2001 study, researchers found that pet-owning patients with high blood pressure could keep their blood pressure lower during times of mental stress than patients without pets.

Another study shows that pet owners may also have increased odds of surviving for at least a year after having a heart attack.

“Both pet ownership and social support are significant predictors of survival, independent of the effects of the other psychosocial factors and physiologic status,” wrote the heart-disease researchers.

And in 2008, a group of Italian researchers documented the successful introduction of a shelter dog to Alzheimer’s patients. Patients were given questionaires, and many responded that animal-assisted activities (the dog as a therapy animal) was beneficial.

It’s not just tutoring companies that introduce kids to dogs. As seen in this video, elementary school students in Arizona can read to dogs and take care of them at school.

“You can always talk to the dog, and the dog’s not going to judge you,” says the school principal.

New Zealand will kill all the predators

New Zealand will kill all the predators

​New Zealand was the first country in the world decided to destroy the entire predator wildlife in the territory in 2050.
By this measure, the country hopes to prevent the disappearance of birds and parrots in local kiwi. Gizmodo said the new program.
28 million dollars has been allocated to destroy hundreds of thousands of mice, ferrets and wild cat species. These are animals fall to (or moved to) New Zealand from other areas and millions annually eat native birds. Joint Venture Predator Free New Zealand Ltd will seek funding and grants for specific projects destroy predators.

"The animals and plants unique factor is the focus of our national identity. Millions of years we have evolved in a world absent from mammals, so they are very vulnerable to the this predator to attack, "Ms Maggie Barry, environmental conservation Minister of New Zealand announced.

Great foods that help relieve your stress and anxiety

What should you do when you're stressed or suffer from anxiety or depression to balance your mind and body? Is doing something to relax your mind like listening to music, reading book, etc enough to deal with your problem? I think it's not if that doesn't go with a good diet. Here are some of great foods that help relieve your stress and anxiety you should add to the daily meals.

Chamomile Tea
Sip on this natural anti-anxiety medicine for its natural calming effect. This soothing, mild tea was shown to significantly decrease anxiety symptoms in just a few weeks!

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos, or African red bush tea, is a delicious way to bring a natural calm to your day. Researchers are looking into its effect on cortisol. It seems to work by having a balancing effect on the body's main stress hormone.


You know that tired feeling people feel after Thanksgiving dinner? It's actually from the tryptophan in the turkey. Tryptophan is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, which helps you to feel calm. Tryptophan in the form of meat, has been shown to reduce anxiety disorders!


Curcuminoids, the antioxidants in turmeric, have a neuroprotective quality and help enhance your mood. It was shown in a randomized controlled trial to be an effective option for major depressive disorder, which is closely linked to anxiety disorders.


This superfruit is great for brain health and anxiety. They contain potassium which helps naturally lower blood pressure. Avocados also contain beneficial B vitamins and monounsaturated fats that are needed for neurotransmitter and brain health.

Dark Chocolate

Science has vindicated chocolate lovers everywhere. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology revealed that people who drank a dark chocolate drink, equal to about 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate per day, felt calmer than those who did not.


This sulfur-rich vegetable also contains the specifically beneficial B vitamin, folic acid. Low levels of folic acid are linked to neurotransmitter impairment, which can lead to anxiety. A 5.3-ounce serving provides 60% of the recommended daily allowance for folic acid! It also contains moderate amounts of potassium, which can lower blood pressure.

Leafy Greens

If you struggle with stress and anxiety increase the greens! Plant foods like Swiss chard and spinach are rich in magnesium, the natural "chill pill," which also helps regulate the brain-adrenal axis.

Fatty Meat

Inflammation is one factor when it comes to brain health and anxiety. Omega-3 fats have been shown to decrease anxiety. Omega-rich foods like Alaskan salmon and grass-fed beef can help decrease inflammation and help cortisol and adrenaline from spiking.


See also:

Common types of stress

As you know, there are various causes of stress that almost no one of us can avoid this in such a modern life these days. And of course, different stress cause leads to different type of stress that also requires different reliefs. Here are some of the most common types of stress, so keep reading to know what are the differences between them.

Emotional Stress
A recent study found that three quarters of Americans experience significant emotional stress weekly. When we’re undergoing emotional stress, our hormones get out of balance. Cortisol levels go up and DHEA levels go down; the coping hormones get depressed and the pleasure hormones don’t get released.

Sleep Deprivation-Induced Stress
Sleep is a natural medicine, pure and simple. But without adequate levels of restorative sleep, our bodies release cortisol, which sets up a stress cycle and causes a disruption in the sleep we do get.

Dietary Stress
An unbalanced diet causes stress in the body. So does eating too little or too much, which can disrupt your digestive system and hinder your body’s ability to recover from physical exertion or even a day of overwork at the office.

Physical Stress
This kind of stress typically occurs from exerting yourself too much in a workout, but it also affects those who have the type of job that demands a lot physically, such as a construction worker, landscaper, or waiter.

Chemical Stress
Chemical stress occurs when your body has to get rid of compounds that are harmful or toxic to it. Most such toxins come from the external environment–everything from the air you breathe, to the water and food you eat, to the home and office you inhabit.

Inflammation-Induced Stress
Inflammation is a side effect of stress, but it’s also a promoter of stress on the body. Inflammation comes from a number of things, including working out too hard, eating a poor diet, being overweight, and not getting enough omega 3 in the diet.

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Scorpions – Can All Scorpions Kill Humans?

With front pincers and stingers their powerful curved scorpion even look scary. The frightening feature just two of the tools used scorpions to survive. Scorpions have been around for millions of years and they live in some of the harshest places on earth. Scorpions live in the hot desert, rainforest and even some mountains.

Eating a Moth Scorpion Photo - Children's Science All About Scorpions
Scorpions eat insects.
Scorpions eat insects, but larger scorpions will not say no to a dinner of lizard. The biggest scorpion can 8 inches long, but most are only about 2 ½ inches. All scorpions have venom, but out of 2,000 species, only about 30 have venom strong enough to kill a person. None of these species live in the US
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Scorpions Prominent dark image
Scorpions glow under ultraviolet light. The ability to glow in the dark can attract insects.
Fun fact of the day  About Scorpions for children

Scorpions can slow their metabolism when food is scarce. They can survive on just one meal each year.
Scorpions glow under ultraviolet light. The ability to glow in the dark can attract insects.
Scorpions are so difficult that they can be placed in the refrigerator overnight and spring back to life.
Scorpions are good parents. Incubators mother in her belly. When a baby tunnel, he climbed up on his back.
Scorpion and Spider Photo Human Faces amazing facts about animals

Ticks – The Most Annoying and Disgusting Pests

Ticks are at the top of the list of pests unpleasant and disgusting. These spiders love food - blood. They drink blood at each stage of life - from larva to pupa to adult. Clamp hanging out in the bushes, high grass and low trees, just waiting for the hitchhiker a ride on an unsuspecting victim. They drink the blood of birds, small animal facts for kids , livestock and even humans.

Tick ​​sucking blood Image - Science for children All About Ticks
All About Ticks: Ticks suck blood at each stage of life - from larva to pupa to adult.
Once a mark has to find a host, they make a small cut in the skin and inserts a straw-like tube feeding blood to drink. They can stay as long as two days, slowly drink blood. Then they drop out and wait for their next meal.
Various Tick Sizes
Ticks are small and hard to see. Most are less than ¼ inch long.
Interesting fact of life about children's Ticks

Ticks are small and hard to see. Most are less than ¼ inch long.
Ticks carry disease and can spread the disease from animal to the next.
Some have thorns tick feeding tube so they are difficult to dislodge. Some even injected a painkiller killed on the server so that it does not feel marked.
Most ticks must remain on the server for a few hours to spread the disease.
How to Remove a Tick image
If you find a tick on your skin and remove it slowly with tweezers carefully pointed.

Can video games help reduce your stress?

Well, though there’s still a lot of research being performed to determine the specific link between stress relief and video games, many of us believe that video games definitely help reduce and ease stress. And, based on some research and studies on this connection, video games are partly proved to have benefits in soothing stress and depression.
Yep, there are a few theories that help explain why video games could be be one of the best Stress Hacks there is.
A lot of people believe that stress, depression, and other mental disorders are the result of a patterned way of thinking. You know, every day you wake up feeling like “another day, ughghgh!”. Your brain starts to be trained to expect to be stressed out, and your common stressors usually happen every day. So you’re constantly living in a state of stress.
Video games such as solitaire card games or football games for kids break that pattern and give your brain a mental break. It’s basically all about refocusing your brain onto something else and getting into a different “zone”.
Source of info for the post:

Your pets can help relieve your stress so effectively

You are suffering from high stress level because of tight working schedule, pressure related to financial issues, or some health problems but you don't know how to balance your mind? And you are looking for effective stress management techniques to deal with your stress? Surprisingly, your pets can actually help! Read on to see this interesting facts about animals.
Not only do our furry friends offer companionship, they can also help us relax when we get overwhelmed. According to many studies on stress, researchers found that the pets like your dogs, cats, pigs, etc can give out many amazing benefits such as help lower your stress hormones, bring down your blood pressure, and let you step outside your own problems. Additionally, animals really do provide the best therapy for some people. 
Well, are you surprised about that interesting facts about cats and dogs. Next time you’re distraught, seek out a four-legged pal and reap these benefits.

5 naturals ways to relieve your stress

Stressed? No matter whether it is a crazy deadline, cranky boss, or mind-numbing commute, these 5 following natural relievers can help you.

1. Decorate with lavender

Lavender has a soothing scent which can lower people's heart rate and blood pressure, both of which can help you relax and even drift off to sleep. Everything you need to do is putting dried lavender in a vase near your bed or slather on moisturizer infused with lavender.

2. Have a chocolate-covered strawberry

When you are stressed, you may be tempted to house every sweet treat in sight. But foods high in added sugar can raise your blood sugar levels, making you feel more on edge. Instead, munch on strawberries dipped in dark chocolate. The vitamin C in the berries is very useful in fighting body-damaging free radicals. Plus, the dark chocolate may also help lower stress hormones like cortisol. 

3. Sip chamomile tea

Research shows that 1 of the compounds in this herbal brew binds to the same brain receptors as drugs like Valium. It means that the tea acts as a mild tranquillizer. Not a tea person? Chamomile supplements may also help significantly reduce anxiety.

4. Step in the sauna

If your gym has a sauna or steam room, let's use it after your next workout. As your body heats up, both muscle tension and anxiety subside. Also, feelings of warmth can well alter neural circuits that enhance our mood. (This might be one among the reasons explaining why exercise can make people feel amazing).

5. Give yourself a scalp massage

Do you know how good it is when you get your hair shampooed at the salon? You can also recreate such great experience at home, too. To melt your tension away, massage your scalp with the fingertips, moving from the hairline to back of your head several times. That's so easy, right?

20 facts that you might never have heard about stress (Part 2)

In the last post, we found out the first 10 facts about stress. And now it's the time for us to continue this interesting topic by figure out the rest!

11. Bringing up a family in a highly developed and urbanized city or the places that everyone has to put up with the high costs of living, rising crime rate, traffic congestion and air pollution, is highly stressful.

12. Stress poses a great threat for heart attack and diabetes by altering blood sugar levels, which can cause fatigue, impulsive mood changes, and hyperglycemia.

13. According to an opinion poll, the major cause for stress in most countries surveyed is money. 

14. Reaction to stress makes the blood thicker and more viscous that can lead to a blood clot. Powerful hormones, intended for urgent situations only, flood the brain and can kill healthy brain cells.

15. Through generation to generation, stress has effectively enhanced human survival due to its specific traits that jog your wakefulness and develop bodily functions.

16. Chocolate and cocoa, which are rich in antioxidants, have been known to reduce stress.

17. Extremely loud noises can cause acoustic stress that can spark off a spell of Long QT Syndrome (a heart disorder).

18. Chinese stress balls or Baoding balls are believed to alleviate stress since they apply force to pressure points on the hand.

19. Stress is interconnected with the topmost causes of death globally: accidents, cancer, heart disease, suicide, lung disorders, and cirrhosis of the liver.

20. Hints of posttraumatic stress disorder have been recorded in Homer’s Iliad during the Trojan War when Achilles bemoaned of being emotionless and hinted of suicidal tendencies and rage.

Stress makes people physiologically ready for an emergency. So, for that short moment, it's helpful. Ability to control this natural reaction is so beneficial. Just don’t let it fly off the handle.
See also:

20 facts that you might never have heard about stress (Part1)

  1. 3/4 of the world population undergo stress at different levels during a 2-week period. The working population is particularly subject to physical, emotional, and mental stress.
  2. Stress is among the main factors causing insomnia and other sleep disorders as well. When stressors are present, the body naturally heightens its response system, thus, leading to wakefulness.
  3. Chewing gum relieves not only the jaw but also stress as well. 
  4. Laughter is definitely the best natural medicine for stress. It helps lower levels of adrenaline, cortisol, and epinephrine, which are stress-aggravating hormones; and it also releases feel-good hormones, such as, dopamine.
  5. Stress causes chest pain, high cholesterol, cardiac problems, depression, and a host of assorted problems. It isn't the culprit that causes gray hair, but it does cause hair loss.
  6. Stress triggers blood vessels to close, thereby, reducing profuse bleeding from a flesh wound. 
  7. In the 1930s, Hans Selye, an endocrinologist, first used the term stress in an organic framework. He used the term in his study with animals which, he concluded, had similar responses to stress as humans, e.g., hypertension, lingering back pain, and chronic abdominal problems.
  8. A stressor, the stimulus causing stress can be real or imagined, can affect a person in a short-term or over long periods.
  9. Highly stressed women have a higher tendency for suicide, especially working mothers who lack substantial support and understanding from others, than most women with moderate levels of stress.
  10. In the UK, around 5 million people are stressed in their jobs. And the jobs considered most stressful are: commercial airline pilot, surgeon, photojournalist, and advertising account executive.
See also:

How does chronic stress affect your whole body?

Stress always has immediate effects on your body that are not necessarily a bad thing in the short-term; however, chronic stress definitely puts your health at risk. Right now, let’s see how it affects each part of your body in a specific way! 

Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems

Stress hormones affect your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. During the stress response, you breathe faster in an effort to distribute oxygen and blood quickly to your body core. If you have preexisting respiratory problems like asthma or emphysema, stress can make it harder to breathe.
Your heart also pumps faster. Stress hormones cause your blood vessels to constrict and raise your blood pressure. All that helps get oxygen to your brain and heart so you’ll have more strength and energy to take action.
Frequent or chronic stress makes your heart work too hard for too long, raising your risk of hypertension and problems with your blood vessels and heart. You’re at higher risk of having a stroke or heart attack.
The female hormone estrogen offers pre-menopausal women some protection from stress-related heart disease.

Central Nervous and Endocrine Systems

Your central nervous system (CNS) is in charge of your “fight or flight” response. The CNS instantly tells the rest of your body what to do, marshaling all resources to the cause. In the brain, the hypothalamus gets the ball rolling, telling your adrenal glands to release adrenaline and cortisol.
When the perceived fear is gone, the CNS should tell all systems to go back to normal. It has done its job. If the CNS fails to return to normal, or if the stressor doesn’t go away, it takes a toll on your body.
Symptoms of chronic stress include irritability, anxiety, and depression. You may suffer from headaches or insomnia. Chronic stress is a factor in some behaviors like overeating or not eating enough, alcohol or drug abuse, or social withdrawal.

Digestive System

Under stress, your liver produces extra blood sugar (glucose) to give you a boost of energy. Unused blood sugar is reabsorbed by the body. If you’re under chronic stress, your body may not be able to keep up with this extra glucose surge, and you may be at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The rush of hormones, rapid breathing, and increased heart rate can upset your digestive system. You’re more likely to have heartburn or acid reflux. Stress doesn’t cause ulcers — a bacterium called H. pylori does — but stress may cause existing ulcers to act up.
You might experience nausea, vomiting, or a stomachache. Stress can affect the way food moves through your body, leading to diarrhea or constipation.

Muscular System

Under stress, your muscles tense up to protect themselves from injury. You’ve probably felt your muscles tighten up and release again once you relax. If you’re constantly under stress, your muscles don’t get the chance to relax. Tight muscles cause headaches, back and shoulder pain, and body aches. Over time, you may stop exercising and turn to pain medication, setting off an unhealthy cycle.

Sexuality and Reproductive System

Stress is exhausting for the body and for the mind. It’s not unusual to lose your desire for sex when you’re under chronic stress. However, men may produce more of the male hormone testosterone during stress, which may increase sexual arousal in the short term.
For women, stress can affect the menstrual cycle. You might have irregular or no menstruation, or heavier and more painful periods. The physical symptoms of menopause may be magnified under chronic stress.
If stress continues for a long time, a man’s testosterone levels begin to drop. That can interfere with sperm production and cause erectile dysfunction or impotence. Chronic stress may make the urethra, prostate, and testes more prone to infection.

Immune System

Stress stimulates the immune system. In the short term, that’s a bonus. It helps you stave off infection and heal wounds. Over time, cortisol compromises your immune system, inhibiting histamine secretion and inflammatory response to foreign invaders. People under chronic stress are more susceptible to viral illnesses like influenza and the common cold. It increases the risk of other opportunistic diseases and infections. It can also increase the time it takes to recover from illness or injury.
Signs and symptoms of stress overload

Signs and symptoms of stress overload

The following table presents some of the most common warning signs and symptoms of chronic stress. Of course, the more signs and symptoms you notice in yourself, the closer you may be to stress overload.

Cognitive Symptoms

  • Memory problems
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Poor judgment
  • Seeing only the negative
  • Anxious or racing thoughts
  • Constant worrying

Physical Symptoms

  • Aches and pains
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea, dizziness
  • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Frequent colds

Emotional Symptoms

  • Moodiness
  • Irritability or short temper
  • Agitation, inability to relax
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Sense of loneliness and isolation
  • Depression or general unhappiness

Behavioral Symptoms

  • Eating more or less
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Isolating yourself from others
  • Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
  • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
  • Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)

Please bear in mind that the signs and symptoms of stress overload can also be created by other psychological or medical problems. If you are experiencing any of the warning signs of stress, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible to determine if your symptoms are stress-related or not.

Causes of Stress

Actually, stress is a normal part of the life that we can’t need to remove from our daily livings. However, if stress is not handled on time and becomes long-term, it will likely interfere with your job, family life, and health in a serious way. And in order to well cope with stress, the initial thing we need to do is to exactly figure out why you get stressed out!!!
In fact, everyone has very different stress triggers. And work stress is considered one of main stress causes. According to surveys, 45-percent of U.S. employees admit to experiencing office stress, and 1/4 of them say work is definitely the biggest source of stress in their lives. In addition to work, there are a lot of other stress causes. For more details, let’s take a look at the following list of most popular causes of stress in our daily life.
Causes of work stress:
  • Being unhappy in your job.
  • Working long hours.
  • Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility.
  • Working under dangerous conditions.
  • Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process.
  • Being insecure about the chance for advancement or risk of termination.
  • Facing discrimination or harassment at work, particularly if your company isn't supportive.
  • Having to give speeches in front of your co-workers.

Causes of life stress:
  • Getting married
  • Divorce
  • The death of a loved one
  • Loss of a job
  • Increase in financial obligations
  • Moving to a new home
  • Chronic illness or injury
  • Taking care of an elderly or sick family member
  • Emotional problems (anxiety, depression, anger, low self-esteem, etc)
  • Traumatic event (a natural disaster, theft, violence against you. etc)

When stress comes from your inside, rather than the outside:
  • Fear and uncertainty.
  • Attitudes and perceptions. Of course, how we view the world or a particular situation can also determine whether it causes stress.
  • Unrealistic expectations. Of course, when you expect to perfectly do everything all the time, you are destined to feel so stressed if things don't go as expected.

What is Stress???

Stress is the way our body responding to any kind of demand. It can be resulted from both good and bad experiences as well. When someone feels stressed by something going on around, his or her body reacts by releasing chemicals into the blood. Well, these chemicals will be either a good or bad thing to the body. That’s up to many factors, including the stress level, stress causes (physical, emotional, or mental), etc. For example, in some cases that the stress is caused by a physical danger, then the body releases kinds of chemical which give us more energy and strength, that would be so great. But this can also turn into a really bad thing if the stress is in response to something emotional and there’s no outlet for this extra energy and strength. 

Some very first introduction

Dear my friends!!! I bet that no one of us has never suffered from stress in such a busy and modern life. Well, stress is definitely an inseparable part of our lives. Sometimes, stress, as well as pressure in a moderate level, is considered a pretty positive factor, helping us become more motivating and powerful. But, overstress, on the other hand, is something really harmful to our health, especially if this lasts for long period of time. In fact, not many of us is able to be aware of our own stress level and then have immediate control and treatments. So what should we do to keep ourselves away from overstressing and its bad effects on our bodies??? That seems like a big question, but if you care yourself enough, it's not a big deal at all for sure. 

Despite an amateur writer, I still made this blog with the hope of creating a place for anyone, who wants to learn and exchange information about stress such as stress symptoms, causes, its bad effects on our lives, stress cures, etc. Well, hope that you guys will love this idea and join me to make it better!!!

