Stress is the way our body responding to any kind of demand. It can be resulted from both good and bad experiences as well. When someone feels stressed by something going on around, his or her body reacts by releasing chemicals into the blood. Well, these chemicals will be either a good or bad thing to the body. That’s up to many factors, including the stress level, stress causes (physical, emotional, or mental), etc. For example, in some cases that the stress is caused by a physical danger, then the body releases kinds of chemical which give us more energy and strength, that would be so great. But this can also turn into a really bad thing if the stress is in response to something emotional and there’s no outlet for this extra energy and strength.
What is Stress???
Stress is the way our body responding to any kind of demand. It can be resulted from both good and bad experiences as well. When someone feels stressed by something going on around, his or her body reacts by releasing chemicals into the blood. Well, these chemicals will be either a good or bad thing to the body. That’s up to many factors, including the stress level, stress causes (physical, emotional, or mental), etc. For example, in some cases that the stress is caused by a physical danger, then the body releases kinds of chemical which give us more energy and strength, that would be so great. But this can also turn into a really bad thing if the stress is in response to something emotional and there’s no outlet for this extra energy and strength.