20 facts that you might never have heard about stress (Part 2)

In the last post, we found out the first 10 facts about stress. And now it's the time for us to continue this interesting topic by figure out the rest!

11. Bringing up a family in a highly developed and urbanized city or the places that everyone has to put up with the high costs of living, rising crime rate, traffic congestion and air pollution, is highly stressful.

12. Stress poses a great threat for heart attack and diabetes by altering blood sugar levels, which can cause fatigue, impulsive mood changes, and hyperglycemia.

13. According to an opinion poll, the major cause for stress in most countries surveyed is money. 

14. Reaction to stress makes the blood thicker and more viscous that can lead to a blood clot. Powerful hormones, intended for urgent situations only, flood the brain and can kill healthy brain cells.

15. Through generation to generation, stress has effectively enhanced human survival due to its specific traits that jog your wakefulness and develop bodily functions.

16. Chocolate and cocoa, which are rich in antioxidants, have been known to reduce stress.

17. Extremely loud noises can cause acoustic stress that can spark off a spell of Long QT Syndrome (a heart disorder).

18. Chinese stress balls or Baoding balls are believed to alleviate stress since they apply force to pressure points on the hand.

19. Stress is interconnected with the topmost causes of death globally: accidents, cancer, heart disease, suicide, lung disorders, and cirrhosis of the liver.

20. Hints of posttraumatic stress disorder have been recorded in Homer’s Iliad during the Trojan War when Achilles bemoaned of being emotionless and hinted of suicidal tendencies and rage.

Stress makes people physiologically ready for an emergency. So, for that short moment, it's helpful. Ability to control this natural reaction is so beneficial. Just don’t let it fly off the handle.
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