Have you ever thought of using your smartphones or tablets as a great way to relieve your stress and anxiety? Well, believe it or not, they can help you a lot as they have one among following apps. More greatly, these apps can be used on both Android and iOS devices, so you need not to worry about their compatibility.
Relax Melodies
People who have difficulty going to sleep and staying asleep are plagued with stress and anxiety problems. It is helpful for them to make a point of relaxing just before bedtime, and this app can certainly help with that. Research has shown that music can help calm the nerves and help you fall asleep.
Relax Melodies Screenshot
Relax Melodies makes use of 48 relaxing ambient and nature sounds, ranging from ocean waves to white noise and even an oscillating fan, to help you ease your worries at bedtime. You can make your own mix out of these melodies and set a timer for them to stop playing when you fall asleep.
You might have been told to close your eyes and breathe during a particularly anxiety-inducing episode. And while it doesn't seem obvious just exactly how you can relax doing that, focusing on your breathing can actually help you let go of what's unimportant and center on the very thing that is keeping you alive right this very moment.
Breathe2Relax is based upon the notion that mindful breathing, or simply turning your attention to your breath and away from everything else. This free app provides you several exercises on diaphragmatic breathing, or breathing from your stomach, which has been proven by science to decrease the body's fight-or-flight stress response. When you feel like your world is turning topsy-turvy, open this app, close your eyes and breathe.
Meditation is another great stress relief technique, besides offering plenty of other benefits it provides for your well-being. However, it can be difficult to meditate, especially for beginners, whose continuously chattering minds can stop them from thinking they are getting anything from the meditation. Headspace can help you with that by offering guided meditations that teach you how meditate so that you can eventually do so on your own.
The first 10 days will give you 10 minutes of meditation for free, and after that you can decide to pay the monthly subscription of $12.99 to receive 10 more days of 15 and 20 minute meditations as well as meditations for various purposes, such as increased creativity, less stress and conscious eating.
For more other great apps and new games coming out that make you feel better as well as great games review, you can check out this review journal.
Source: techtimes.com