Actually, stress is a normal part of the life
that we can’t need to remove from our daily livings. However, if stress is not
handled on time and becomes long-term, it will likely interfere with your job,
family life, and health in a serious way. And in order to well cope with
stress, the initial thing we need to do is to exactly figure out why you get stressed
In fact, everyone has very different
stress triggers. And work stress is considered one of main stress causes. According
to surveys, 45-percent of U.S. employees admit to experiencing office stress,
and 1/4 of them say work is definitely the biggest source of stress in their
lives. In addition to work, there are a lot of other stress causes. For more
details, let’s take a look at the following list of most popular causes of stress
in our daily life.
Causes of work stress:
- Being unhappy in your job.
- Working long hours.
- Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility.
- Working under dangerous conditions.
- Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process.
- Being insecure about the chance for advancement or risk of termination.
- Facing discrimination or harassment at work, particularly if your company isn't supportive.
- Having to give speeches in front of your co-workers.
Causes of life stress:
- Getting married
- Divorce
- The death of a loved one
- Loss of a job
- Increase in financial obligations
- Moving to a new home
- Chronic illness or injury
- Taking care of an elderly or sick family member
- Emotional problems (anxiety, depression, anger, low self-esteem, etc)
- Traumatic event (a natural disaster, theft, violence against you. etc)
When stress comes from your inside, rather
than the outside:
- Fear and uncertainty.
- Attitudes and perceptions. Of course, how we view the world or a particular situation can also determine whether it causes stress.
- Unrealistic expectations. Of course, when you expect to perfectly do everything all the time, you are destined to feel so stressed if things don't go as expected.