New Zealand will kill all the predators

New Zealand will kill all the predators

​New Zealand was the first country in the world decided to destroy the entire predator wildlife in the territory in 2050.
By this measure, the country hopes to prevent the disappearance of birds and parrots in local kiwi. Gizmodo said the new program.
28 million dollars has been allocated to destroy hundreds of thousands of mice, ferrets and wild cat species. These are animals fall to (or moved to) New Zealand from other areas and millions annually eat native birds. Joint Venture Predator Free New Zealand Ltd will seek funding and grants for specific projects destroy predators.

"The animals and plants unique factor is the focus of our national identity. Millions of years we have evolved in a world absent from mammals, so they are very vulnerable to the this predator to attack, "Ms Maggie Barry, environmental conservation Minister of New Zealand announced.

Great foods that help relieve your stress and anxiety

What should you do when you're stressed or suffer from anxiety or depression to balance your mind and body? Is doing something to relax your mind like listening to music, reading book, etc enough to deal with your problem? I think it's not if that doesn't go with a good diet. Here are some of great foods that help relieve your stress and anxiety you should add to the daily meals.

Chamomile Tea
Sip on this natural anti-anxiety medicine for its natural calming effect. This soothing, mild tea was shown to significantly decrease anxiety symptoms in just a few weeks!

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos, or African red bush tea, is a delicious way to bring a natural calm to your day. Researchers are looking into its effect on cortisol. It seems to work by having a balancing effect on the body's main stress hormone.


You know that tired feeling people feel after Thanksgiving dinner? It's actually from the tryptophan in the turkey. Tryptophan is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, which helps you to feel calm. Tryptophan in the form of meat, has been shown to reduce anxiety disorders!


Curcuminoids, the antioxidants in turmeric, have a neuroprotective quality and help enhance your mood. It was shown in a randomized controlled trial to be an effective option for major depressive disorder, which is closely linked to anxiety disorders.


This superfruit is great for brain health and anxiety. They contain potassium which helps naturally lower blood pressure. Avocados also contain beneficial B vitamins and monounsaturated fats that are needed for neurotransmitter and brain health.

Dark Chocolate

Science has vindicated chocolate lovers everywhere. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology revealed that people who drank a dark chocolate drink, equal to about 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate per day, felt calmer than those who did not.


This sulfur-rich vegetable also contains the specifically beneficial B vitamin, folic acid. Low levels of folic acid are linked to neurotransmitter impairment, which can lead to anxiety. A 5.3-ounce serving provides 60% of the recommended daily allowance for folic acid! It also contains moderate amounts of potassium, which can lower blood pressure.

Leafy Greens

If you struggle with stress and anxiety increase the greens! Plant foods like Swiss chard and spinach are rich in magnesium, the natural "chill pill," which also helps regulate the brain-adrenal axis.

Fatty Meat

Inflammation is one factor when it comes to brain health and anxiety. Omega-3 fats have been shown to decrease anxiety. Omega-rich foods like Alaskan salmon and grass-fed beef can help decrease inflammation and help cortisol and adrenaline from spiking.


See also:

Common types of stress

As you know, there are various causes of stress that almost no one of us can avoid this in such a modern life these days. And of course, different stress cause leads to different type of stress that also requires different reliefs. Here are some of the most common types of stress, so keep reading to know what are the differences between them.

Emotional Stress
A recent study found that three quarters of Americans experience significant emotional stress weekly. When we’re undergoing emotional stress, our hormones get out of balance. Cortisol levels go up and DHEA levels go down; the coping hormones get depressed and the pleasure hormones don’t get released.

Sleep Deprivation-Induced Stress
Sleep is a natural medicine, pure and simple. But without adequate levels of restorative sleep, our bodies release cortisol, which sets up a stress cycle and causes a disruption in the sleep we do get.

Dietary Stress
An unbalanced diet causes stress in the body. So does eating too little or too much, which can disrupt your digestive system and hinder your body’s ability to recover from physical exertion or even a day of overwork at the office.

Physical Stress
This kind of stress typically occurs from exerting yourself too much in a workout, but it also affects those who have the type of job that demands a lot physically, such as a construction worker, landscaper, or waiter.

Chemical Stress
Chemical stress occurs when your body has to get rid of compounds that are harmful or toxic to it. Most such toxins come from the external environment–everything from the air you breathe, to the water and food you eat, to the home and office you inhabit.

Inflammation-Induced Stress
Inflammation is a side effect of stress, but it’s also a promoter of stress on the body. Inflammation comes from a number of things, including working out too hard, eating a poor diet, being overweight, and not getting enough omega 3 in the diet.

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Scorpions – Can All Scorpions Kill Humans?

With front pincers and stingers their powerful curved scorpion even look scary. The frightening feature just two of the tools used scorpions to survive. Scorpions have been around for millions of years and they live in some of the harshest places on earth. Scorpions live in the hot desert, rainforest and even some mountains.

Eating a Moth Scorpion Photo - Children's Science All About Scorpions
Scorpions eat insects.
Scorpions eat insects, but larger scorpions will not say no to a dinner of lizard. The biggest scorpion can 8 inches long, but most are only about 2 ½ inches. All scorpions have venom, but out of 2,000 species, only about 30 have venom strong enough to kill a person. None of these species live in the US
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Scorpions Prominent dark image
Scorpions glow under ultraviolet light. The ability to glow in the dark can attract insects.
Fun fact of the day  About Scorpions for children

Scorpions can slow their metabolism when food is scarce. They can survive on just one meal each year.
Scorpions glow under ultraviolet light. The ability to glow in the dark can attract insects.
Scorpions are so difficult that they can be placed in the refrigerator overnight and spring back to life.
Scorpions are good parents. Incubators mother in her belly. When a baby tunnel, he climbed up on his back.
Scorpion and Spider Photo Human Faces amazing facts about animals

Ticks – The Most Annoying and Disgusting Pests

Ticks are at the top of the list of pests unpleasant and disgusting. These spiders love food - blood. They drink blood at each stage of life - from larva to pupa to adult. Clamp hanging out in the bushes, high grass and low trees, just waiting for the hitchhiker a ride on an unsuspecting victim. They drink the blood of birds, small animal facts for kids , livestock and even humans.

Tick ​​sucking blood Image - Science for children All About Ticks
All About Ticks: Ticks suck blood at each stage of life - from larva to pupa to adult.
Once a mark has to find a host, they make a small cut in the skin and inserts a straw-like tube feeding blood to drink. They can stay as long as two days, slowly drink blood. Then they drop out and wait for their next meal.
Various Tick Sizes
Ticks are small and hard to see. Most are less than ¼ inch long.
Interesting fact of life about children's Ticks

Ticks are small and hard to see. Most are less than ¼ inch long.
Ticks carry disease and can spread the disease from animal to the next.
Some have thorns tick feeding tube so they are difficult to dislodge. Some even injected a painkiller killed on the server so that it does not feel marked.
Most ticks must remain on the server for a few hours to spread the disease.
How to Remove a Tick image
If you find a tick on your skin and remove it slowly with tweezers carefully pointed.

