5 naturals ways to relieve your stress

Stressed? No matter whether it is a crazy deadline, cranky boss, or mind-numbing commute, these 5 following natural relievers can help you.

1. Decorate with lavender

Lavender has a soothing scent which can lower people's heart rate and blood pressure, both of which can help you relax and even drift off to sleep. Everything you need to do is putting dried lavender in a vase near your bed or slather on moisturizer infused with lavender.

2. Have a chocolate-covered strawberry

When you are stressed, you may be tempted to house every sweet treat in sight. But foods high in added sugar can raise your blood sugar levels, making you feel more on edge. Instead, munch on strawberries dipped in dark chocolate. The vitamin C in the berries is very useful in fighting body-damaging free radicals. Plus, the dark chocolate may also help lower stress hormones like cortisol. 

3. Sip chamomile tea

Research shows that 1 of the compounds in this herbal brew binds to the same brain receptors as drugs like Valium. It means that the tea acts as a mild tranquillizer. Not a tea person? Chamomile supplements may also help significantly reduce anxiety.

4. Step in the sauna

If your gym has a sauna or steam room, let's use it after your next workout. As your body heats up, both muscle tension and anxiety subside. Also, feelings of warmth can well alter neural circuits that enhance our mood. (This might be one among the reasons explaining why exercise can make people feel amazing).

5. Give yourself a scalp massage

Do you know how good it is when you get your hair shampooed at the salon? You can also recreate such great experience at home, too. To melt your tension away, massage your scalp with the fingertips, moving from the hairline to back of your head several times. That's so easy, right?

